Environmentally friendly and economical GRP processing

neowa GmbH plans, implements and operates waste management plants.

neowa provides solutions
for the waste management industry

neowa GmbH is an industrial solution provider for recycling plant operators. neowa’s core process is clearly defined and focuses on waste management plants which recycle GRP and CRP waste into reusable materials through a patented recycling process. Our solutions, which are directly integrated into the customer’s value chain, reduce transport costs and support our customers with their key subsidiary processes. neowa transforms waste flows into value-creating recycling processes. We design waste.  Environmentally friendly applications characterised by sustainability form the core of value creation.

Strategic partnerships with waste producers who are under commitment to take goods back and recycle these accordingly, and waste recyclers striving to install environmentally compatible recycling processes, are the foundation on which our B2B business is based.



Environmentally friendly applications characterised by sustainability form the core of value creation.

We work exclusively with approved waste management plants and provide your waste flows with the necessary transparency for sustainable cooperation in partnership. As a result, we create trust. The staff of neowa GmbH see the term sustainability as an essential basis for their action.

Project support

During the development of your solution (basic design to start-up),
we accompany you through all phases of implementation as well as possible approval processes.

We recognize …

… the issue of significant minimisation of travel times arises due to progressively increasing logistical and transport costs as well as increasing time delays in the case of transport by road and rising costs due to legislative influence. This issue concerns many sectors and represents a challenge that neowa GmbH is happy to take on.

We know …

… constant availability and quality of an EBS (we talk about a “designed fuel surrogate”) tailored to the physical-technical customer requirements and the option of integrating the EBS production process into the process landscape of the customer require sector-specific competence, which neowa GmbH has extensively.

We recommend …

… clear separation between the actual core process of the customer and the supporting processes organised around it. This offers the opportunity to combine processes relating to waste, to liberate customers from these processes and to integrate EBS production into the recommended plant design. This minimises interfaces, relieves the customer and reduces costs.

We realize …

… the waste required for the production of EBS, which is processed in a plant designed, financed and constructed by neowa GmbH. This may be situated on the premises of the customer or nearby. This business model is based upon a supply and purchase agreement that is negotiated accordingly between the customer(s) and neowa.

The Jade project

We support our customers all the way through -
from the initial planning phase to the final commissioning.

The 4 quality promises of neowa


We ensure high construction and project quality for you, as we sharpen the awareness of everyone involved with the implementation for deviations and their consequences.


We identify defects at an early stage and can eliminate them immediately with no subsequent cost burden.


We document every step. We provide you with a homogeneous set of documentation which is agreed in advance during all the construction and test phases - right through to the final commissioning.


We supply you with test methods so that you can exploit your plant to the full ˗ test methods that always guarantee you the highest possible level of transparency. The four quality promises of neowawe ensure high construction and project quality for you, as we sharpen the awareness of everyone involved with the implementation for deviations and their consequences.

neowa ensures you get
the best possible results

The phase during which the whole waste processing plant is optimised must be strictly distinguished from the commissioning and start-up phase ˗ particularly from a contractual point of view ˗ which is why this needs to be negotiated separately with the customer. As it is extremely difficult to estimate the scope of this phase, payment is made on a time and effort basis.

Furthermore, an arrangement needs to be found regarding the period during which the recycling plant is placed at our ˗ neowa GmbH’s ˗ disposal in order to optimise the processes.


neowa GmbH
Stadtkoppel 34
D-21337 Lüneburg

  • Phone
    +49 (4131) 28 74 95-0

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