Your advantages from
our project experience

Excerpts from our projects.

Every plant that we plan and construct is tailored uniquely and individually to the requirements of the customer.
Here, we take into account the waste types, quantities and local possibilities. The logistics of the production input and continuation of the output are important factors in the design.

The Jade Project

Planning, building and running a recycling facility for the fibre rejects of a paper mill which accumulate alongside light impurities and broke.





Economical reject recycling (PKV)

This project is aimed at planning, building and running a recycling facility to process the light rejects of a paper mill which, alongside heavy impurities and broke, regularly approach a total volume of 50,000 t/a. This is being carried out with the intention of generating an integrated solution for producing highly processed energy pellets with standard fuel properties. These pellets are sold to and implemented at co-incineration plants and power stations.

Reject processing - with its core waste management processes, such as shredding, drying, decontamination, pelleting and silo storage - follows the paper manufacturing process and likewise incorporates a building structure and complex automated systems as well as a comprehensive conveyer system. During the waste treatment process, larger material flows are dried at a lower temperature level. Following on from this, extremely small particles are separated to produce pellets with a diameter of between 8-12 mm. This concept is aimed at transforming part of the material flow into a qualified, saleable by-product.
This also has a sustainable influence on the reduction of our CO2 footprint as proceeding in this way eliminates the downstream disposal routes that were previously required. The result is a successfully installed ”zero waste process” which sustainably reduces the dependence on conventional disposal processes with their familiar bottlenecks and costs. The pellets are supplied directly to the users in the factory as a substitute for fossil fuels. The physical nature of the pellets allows optimal usage of the available warehouse capacity. This makes low-cost logistic processes, such as ship transportation, possible and means that a much larger circle of users can be reached. Another step on the road to achieving a significant reduction in CO2 levels.

> Jade Project

Jörg Lempke

Head of sales

+49 (178) 8 90 77 01

+49 (4131) 28 74 95-1


First facility able to recycle GRP 100% -
under our own management.

Economical Recycling

Due to its positive properties, GRP is extremely popular in numerous areas, such as in the production of rotor blades for wind turbines, the shipbuilding trade and the automotive industry. Due to being durable, flexible and easy to process during production, GRP can be used in a multitude of applications. However, up until now, recycling options for GRP have been rather limited.

Simply dumping GRP waste at landfill sites has been banned since 2005 and incinerating it in specially designed facilities is only possible to a limited degree. neocomp offers an economically viable solution for recycling GRP using a special process - particularly important in view of the current discussion on how to recycle an increasing number of worn-out rotor blades.

> neocomp

Mika Lange

Authorized Officer
Material flow manager GRP/CFRP

+49 (173) 9 11 00 87

+49 (4131) 28 74 95-2

Pan-European returns system

The development of neowa was supplemented and accompanied by the introduction of the “Fibreglass Recycling Europe” logistics and collection concept which addresses both German and other European consumers. The understanding required to be able to generate highly qualified recycling solutions pushed development activities ahead and intensified the cooperation with universities and universities of applied science, as well as with industry partners both at home and abroad.

Fibreglass Recycling Europe offers users a complete service package from one provider - from recording the goods to their being completely recycled. In each of our partner countries, you will be able to find a contact who can provide you with an optimum solution in your local area.

Companies who contractually agree to have their GRP waste disposed of through Fibreglass Recycling Europe gain value. They can place the Fibreglass Recycling Europe label showing that they support an environmentally compatible and sustainable recycling process on their products. It can be used on a label, printed on or used online - it can even be stamped onto your products.



neowa GmbH
Stadtkoppel 34
D-21337 Lüneburg

  • Phone
    +49 (4131) 28 74 95-0

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